How Do You Optimise Your Woocommerce Store For Conversions?

How Do You Optimise Your Woocommerce Store For Conversions?


The success of your business depends on the rate of conversion, as it indicates the percentage of visitors who visit the website and actually make a purchase. However, you can increase the rate of conversion for your woocommerce website by hiring the services of a woocommerce development agency.


If you are trying hard to increase your online success, then woocommerce CRO (conversion rate optimisation) is extremely important. The conversion rate is the number of sales that are made when compared to the number of sessions on the woocommerce website. When you are tracking the conversion rates, you are trying to find out how the website is functioning to encourage sales. You are focusing on ways that can increase sales and the number of repeat customers.

While SEO optimisation is essentially important, the need for woocommerce optimisation is also necessary, as it's a perfect mix of internet expertise and marketing for creating an ideal storefront for customers. Here are the ways a woocommerce development agency can boost your conversions.

Personalising your pages

Online shoppers desire a personalised experience when they are visiting your website. That's the reason why you should segment your online audience based on your location and make use of a translation plugin for displaying the content in their local language. Moreover, using Elementor’s dynamic tags for further personalisation is also great. In this way, you can add links to add-on products to upsell them and use the tags to catch the user’s attention. A dynamic tag that politely addresses a repeat or returning customer with their name is far more compelling than a basic and generic welcome message.

Furthermore, you can consider adding an automated email marketing strategy to target visitors who are abandoning the cart. When potential customers get an email a day or two after visiting your website, especially with a coupon, then they might be pushed further to complete the checkout process, which means an increase in sales.

Make the site responsive

In contemporary times, most sales are made from mobile devices, which is why a responsive web design is vital for your online business to thrive. Your e-commerce web store needs to be as responsive as possible, which is another reason to test the website UI on a mobile device and ensure that the speed is up to the required standards.

For increasing woocommerce conversion optimisation, ensure that the e-store is easy to navigate on a mobile device similar to a desktop. By creating customised breakpoints for multiple devices, you can now get complete control over how the site appears on the screens, and in this situation, a woocommerce development agency can help you.

Improving the UI

UI means user interface, and a clear UI can greatly impact the conversion rate. Here are a few things that you need to consider:

  • Is the call to action loud and clear?

  • Have you placed the add-to-cart button in the hot spot?

  • Check if it's at all necessary to make visual changes to the product pages. For example, fast-loading and clear product images, contrasting colours, and seamless navigation can help sell the pieces better.

  • A testing tool like Hotjar can help you find areas that would appeal to the users, and a heat map can additionally help you with design decisions depending on the user experience.

Product reviews

Reviews have a great influence on conversion rates and can drastically increase the rate of conversion. A product with a five-star review will have greater conversions than a product with zero reviews. Verified buyer reviews further ensure that the bad reviews from non-buyers are overlapped. To get verified customer reviews, sending an email a week after the purchase is a great choice. Social proof is highly recommended for convincing customers to complete their purchases and transactions, but again, fake reviews turn people away!

Simple checkout system

Creating a complicated checkout process means that potential customers would be more interested in leaving than staying. That's why on-page and guest checkouts are necessary, and a woocommerce development agency understands this concept very well. Customers are not interested in filling up tonnes of pages with detailed information every time they intend to make a purchase.

Final Words

You can now track the customers and the e-store by utilising Google Analytics. Track the channels that bring in customers and the devices that are mostly used for browsing the WooCommerce website. Along with that, track the search terms that are used and even pages with a high bounce rate. By tracking these factors effectively, you can understand the loopholes in the website, and a woocommerce agency can work on your website to optimise it for greater sales and effective conversions.